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Ways to Clear Your Energy

Clearing our energy is so important for staying balanced and feeling good. It helps us let go of negative vibes and make room for positive thoughts and experiences. When we use simple energy clearing techniques, we boost our well-being, sharpen our focus, and strengthen our connections with ourselves and others. Plus, it makes it easier to handle whatever life throws our way!

After a healing session with a client, often they will ask, "What can I do to maintain these good vibes I'm feeling right now?" While I do offer several tips, I'm finally adding a longer list to my website for easy reference. So, whether you have just found my site or are a current client, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about any of these simple, but effective techniques. 

Ways to Clear your Energy


This technique is for those who take on the energy of others.  Imagine you step up onto a pedestal one foot off the ground. In your mind, choose a color or texture for your bubble. Start your bubble at ground level (beneath the pedestal) and bring it out about 3 feet from your body. Bring it up on all sides, finally closing it above your head. Once your bubble is closed, state your intention, "Only positive energy penetrates my bubble."  Feel free to "double bubble" if the occasion calls for it. If you need to be around particularly draining people or situations, after you bubble with the color of your choice, add another layer of bubble made out of mirrors (think disco ball!). The mirrored layer will provide a powerful boost in keeping those external energies out of your energetic field.

Fluff That Energy 

Using both hands, start from your feet and work your way up and over your head, "fluffing" the air around you with the intention of removing any unwanted energies from your aura. The hand motion looks like how you would wave your hand over a cooking pot to waft the scent closer to your nose. Start at your feet working up toward your head and fluff the space in front of you and in back (as best you can), or do it with a friend. Intention: "I release all that no longer serves me."

Wash away old energy

When in the shower, start at the top of your head, and as the water washes over you, see the water removing old, stale energy and any stress as it goes.  Feel the release and bid it farewell as you watch it wash down the drain, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed.

The Bongo Bed (clear your bedding)

Think about all the times you may have gone to bed angry or upset over something or how often you lie in bed ruminating about the day's events. All that energy gets left behind, and then you continue to sleep in it night after night, where it builds. So next time you change your bedding (or after a difficult day), ensure you're getting into an energy-positive bed. Start by using a clearing spray** and spray the bed lightly from top to bottom. Each time you spray, state your intention either aloud or just in your head, "With this spray, I clear this space". Next, get ready to "play those bongos"! Slap your hands on the bed like you're playing a bongo starting at the top of the bed - include the pillows - and work your way down to the bottom to clear out the stagnant energy. ** A quick clearing spray can easily be made with 50% Florida Water and 50% distilled water or witch hazel. Easy peasy! I like this brand on Amazon. (Link will open in a new page)


Use fire to transform unwanted energies. Get a piece of paper and write down the situation or emotions you want to release.  Be specific and honest with yourself. Write it all down. Once complete, and in a fire-safe environment, you can either build a small fire and offer your paper to the fire, or light the paper itself on fire (again, be sure to have a safe place to let the paper burn out). As the paper burns, visualize the flames transforming the negative energy into light and releasing it to the Universe. Take a moment to express gratitude for the release and transformation. You can then say a prayer, meditate, or simply sit in silence. Be sure the fire is fully extinguished.


Reconnect and rejuvenate by touching those feet to the Earth! Get those bare feet on the grass, soil, or sand, and visualize your worries and stress draining out of your feet and into Mother Earth. Go for a barefoot walk in nature, or just sit in your yard with your bare feet touching the ground! Earth's natural energy helps to stabilize your body's energy field and reduce stress. If the weather is too cold to be barefoot, standing, sitting, or walking in nature while visualizing your worries draining out of your feet and into the Earth also works! Click here for more details about Earthing.

Salt Bath 

Take a bath with sea salt or epsom salt to cleanse your energy. You can also add a few drops of calming Essential Oils** such as Lavender, Bergamot, and Frankincense. Other good choices are Rose, Sandalwood, Chamomile, and Geranium. ** when working with any essential oil, please do a small patch test on your skin before using.


Use guided meditations to visualize a clean and clear energy field. Youtube has many to choose from. Simply search for "meditation for stress" or "meditation to reduce anxiety", etc. Find someone you feel comfortable with and save those videos as favorites.


Taking a swim in a natural body of water is also a great way to cleanse your energy. While swimming, visualize your stress draining out of your body and allow the water to take it from you. Feel gratitude as your worries and concerns are released into the water. Water is energetically transformative and transmutes low vibes into high vibes.

Drinking Water
Pour a glass a water and set an intention that the water will cleanse and clear your energy. As you drink, visualize the internal cleansing process happening.


Get that body moving! Find an upbeat song that gets you going and shake off any stagnant energy!



Yes, sunlight! Spend time in the sun (with sunscreen!) and visualize its light melting away any negative energy.


Engage in activities that make you laugh to raise that vibration and clear your energy! I enjoy the Youtube channel "Don't Tell Comedy". So many new, upcoming and currently-known comedians on that channel! And if you don't know what Don't Tell Comedy is, they run local comedy shows all around the US. When you sign up for their mailing list, they notify you of the town and the time for the next show but you don't know the location until the morning of the show! I have gone to several of these shows and look forward to more! Always a good time.


If you feel drawn to crystals and stones, Hematite, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, and Moss Agate, just to name a few, help to absorb and clear negative energy. You can carry them with you, do a meditation while holding them, lie down and place the crystal on an area where you feel tension, or wear jewelry with the stone of your choice.

Spirit Guides/Ancestors

Ask your spirit guides and/or ancestors for assistance in cleansing your energy. Our loved ones in Spirit and your Spirit Guides are always by your side to assist you. All you need to do is ask. You can request help aloud or in your head. They both work.

Drumming or Rattling

Use the rhythmic vibrations to cleanse your body's energy.


Practice yoga to release tension and clear your energy. Sign up for a nearby class or do it from the comfort of your own home by searching YouTube for online guidance.


Write down your thoughts and feelings to release any negative energy. Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper is a proven way to relieve stress! Plus, its a wonderful 'map' of your journey and how far you've come. 


Energy Healing

Go for an Energy Healing session to balance, clear, and boost your energy. I offer in-person and remote sessions and I call my Energy Healing sessions "an Energetic Kick in the Pants"! When your at-home techniques aren't raising your energy to the level you'd like, consider booking a powerful and restorative Energy session with me. My natural flow Energy Healing sessions always come from a place of love and light and include a combination of Geo Love healing, Reiki energy, channeled healing techniques, Elemental Healers, Chakra balancing, Aura Clearing, Color healing, gentle music based on Solfeggio frequencies, essential oils, and when guided by Spirit, messages from loved ones. Learn more here.

Smudging/Environment Clearing

Burn sage, and let the smoke cleanse your energy. This can be done for your person or your home.  If you are already using some of the techniques on this page for yourself and you are Smudging your home environment but still feel 'heavy', you may benefit from a Home Healing. Even though we work on ourselves, if our environment/home has energetic disturbances, it will continue to pull down our energy levels. Over the years, I've had so many Home Healing clients who come to me saying that although they've always saged/smudged their home, its effects don't seem to have the same impact. So I joke that my tagline is: "Home Healing: For when the smudging just doesn't work anymore". To learn more about the benefits of Home Healing - and symptoms that you may need one - you can read more and/or book a free Consultation, here.

​Shine on!

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